Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ocean Drive: It was cold... again. It was windy... again.

Here are some pics from the Ocean Drive marathon. Basically it was about the same as last year except it was sunny, whereas last year is was cold and windy but not sunny.

Tom ran an awesome race. I seriously thought this was going to be the time he ran under 4:00, but i think the wind got the best of him and the last few miles turned out to be a little tougher than any of us expected. Anyway, I think I'm really getting used to this course. If i could be guaranteed better weather i would totally do this one again. Emily was an awesome supporter. She managed to see us several times along the course. I missed Dave this year, but it looks like I'm adding the Madison Marathon to the list, so I'll be able to run at least one more race this year with him.

Next race is Country Music Marathon, April 26th. Ya know, one of these days i have to get back into shape - I think it would make running these things much more enjoyable.

1 comment:

Matt said...

shave the molestache.