Friday, March 16, 2007

Rock 'N' Roll - Phoenix, AZ

Race Day :

It was unseasonably cold for Phoenix on race day. A brisk 34 degrees at the start gave us out-of-towners a distinct advantage. Although its hard to be happy about that when you flew across the country to avoid the cold.

One word ... flat. All in all I'd have to say it was a good course if you're going for speed, up hills were gradual and rare. However, the scenery left a little something to be desired. The vast majority of the run was through the suburbs and was only salvaged by the bands, which although not terribly great ... did give you something to look forward to every mile or so.

Would have seriously preferred 2006's version, but its still one more marathon medal than most people have.

Personal Experience:
After nearly bonking and seriously considering a DNF at mile 3 due to a bad cramp in my left shit muscle (that didn't actually dissipate until mile 9) ... I managed to completely turn my race around and set a PR. Thirty minutes faster than my previous best, I'd have to say I'm satisfied with the way I ran my 2nd marathon.

Conclusion: I wouldn't rate this a "must run", but if your goal is getting the Rock Star Medal or if you're an aspiring 50 Stater ... this race isn't exactly a disappointment either.

Final Grade: B+

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